The Label Law

How Secure is a Contract?: The Yeezy, Gap & Telfar Fiasco

Grace Azuike Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode, Grace Obi-Azuike takes a look at how secure a contract really is using the lens of the Gap and Telfar collaboration that fell through.  Specifically, how Kanye West's new collaboration deal, Yzy Gap, plays a key part in the confusion.  

*DISCLAIMER* This episode was previously recorded prior to Kanye West's recent manic rant on twitter. Mental health is a serious issue, especially in the black community and should not be made a joke. If you or anyone you know may be struggling through a mental health crisis, The National Suicide Hotline is available 24/7 for support 1 (800) - 273 - TALK (8225)

by Grace Obi-Azuike